Product Details
+The hiking stick carbide tip assembly is a unique Kingfisher design, made in the USA. Choose from a 3/4", 15/16, or 1" washer.
The rounded tungsten carbide point is intended for extreme shock and abrasion resistance suitable for contact with rock and hard materials and brazed into a stainless steel body. The point, unlike that of sharp hiking stick tips, is rounded to minimize environmental damage.
To attach into the end of a hiking stick or cane, pre-drilling is necessary. We use a 9/32" brad point bit for hickory. It would be best to test on a sample piece in advance. Care must be taken to drill in the center and straight in line with the wooden shaft.
For final assembly, coat the bore with wood sealer, epoxy or marine varnish. Then, fasten the hex bolt/carbide into wood with 1/2" socket.
Note: the 3/4" washer (our original design) is shown on a hiking stick with beveled edges. It's suitable for many applications and staffs of various diameters.
The new 15/16 and 1" washers (for use with sticks 15/16" and 1" respectively) protect the shaft's edge entirely.
The washers are supplied slightly oversized and may be filed to match the exact wood diameter.
Alternately, if the shaft is oversized, the wood may be sanded to match the washer diameter.